Request to increase electric, natural gas rates

Alliant Energy's Interstate Power and Light Company (IPL) filed an application (petition) with the IUB on October 12, 2023, seeking an increase in its electric and natural gas base rates. The utility is requesting:

  • An increase in electric service revenue of $284 million, or approximately 16 percent above their existing electric revenue requirement.
  • An increase in natural gas service revenue of approximately $14 million, or 5 percent above their existing gas revenue requirement. 

The company did not request an interim rate increase, so no change to customer rates will happen until a decision is made by the IUB. Following a public hearing and review of all the evidence, testimony, and other filings in the docket, the IUB can approve or deny the request, or approve the request with modifications. 

Common Questions

Where can I find specific details about the company's request? 
The application, which details Alliant-IPL's proposal, is available in the IUB's electronic filing system (EFS) in Docket No. RPU-2023-0002. EFS provides the public with access to all documents filed in the case.

How can I file a comment, objection, or letter of support? 
In addition to participating in a customer comment meeting, you may provide written comments to the IUB.  Written comments will become part of the permanent case record.  To file a written comment, you can:

Be sure to reference Docket No. RPU-2023-0002 with your comment.

Who are the parties in a rate case?
Participants in a rate proceeding include the IUB Board members, who will preside over the hearing in this case; the Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA), a division of the Iowa Department of Justice, which represents all consumers generally; the utility company requesting the rate change; and any group or individual granted intervention by the IUB, such as other utilities or public groups that have an interest in the proceeding.

A scheduling conference was held January 22, 2024, for the parties to determine the procedural schedule, which will include a hearing date. 

What's next in this process? 
 An order  establishing a procedural schedule in the docket was issued January 24, 2024. Hearing has been scheduled for July 9, 2024, in the IUB Hearing Room.

When will the IUB decide on IPL's proposal? 
Iowa law sets time frames for this type of proceeding. A final decision is generally rendered within ten months after the rate case application filing date.

Consumer Comment Meetings

The IUB conducted four customer comment meetings to allow Alliant-IPL customers to provide comments regarding the rate case and the general quality of service provided by the utility:

  • Cedar Rapids – 6:30 p.m. Monday, November 6, 2023, the Hotel at Kirkwood Center, Main Ballroom, 7725 Kirkwood Blvd. S.W.
  • Clear Lake – 6 p.m. Tuesday, November 7, 2023, The Surf Ballroom, 460 North Shore Drive
  • Creston – 6 p.m. Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Southwestern Community College, Performing Arts Center, 1501 W. Townline St.
  • Virtual – 6 p.m. Thursday, November 9. 

The IUB presided over the customer comment meetings. Comments were recorded for the record by a court reporter.  Alliant-IPL staff was available at the meetings to speak with customers about their electric or natural gas service; IUB staff was also on site to answer questions.

A public information meeting handout was provided to everyone attending in-person meetings.